The following questions are frequently asked by customers about orders from our online store. To better serve you, we’ve included clear answers here to ensure you have the information you need.
Our bags are manufactured to order. Please allow 14 days for the start of manufacturing after you pay online. After manufacturing, shipping times depend upon carrier and location.
Our minimum order is 1,000 or 1,200, depending on the type of bag you order. This minimum is for a single bag type.
Absolutely. If we know when you expect bags for your business, we can ensure you receive them as needed. Please share your schedule with us, and we’ll keep your supply coming! Contact us today to begin this customized process.
Yes. We can ship partial orders to ensure you have some of your bags sooner. Unicorn Bags strives to provide access to consistent inventory whenever you need it. If you have special order requirements or a regular delivery schedule, simply get in touch with us, so we can accommodate your needs.
We will accept returns only with prior approval and only if we made an error with your order or if there is a manufacturing defect with your bags. All return shipments must be freight prepaid. Please see our shipping and returns information for additional details.
We proudly provide educational and FAQ resources for more information on these topics.
For information about our online store’s conditions of use, read our shop guidelines.
Visit our shipping and returns guidelines for information on payments, order changes, cancellations, and more. If you still have questions, contact us online or call us at (469) 298-3558.